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“In 2019 we built a feed mill on our farm to be able to utilize locally grown crops in our chicken feed.  The IF Foundation has been an amazing partner in this endeavor as they have established relationships with many local farmers.  Our goal is to continue to build the local economy, and we believe that it can only be done through cooperative teamwork among others.  We have been nothing but pleased with our interactions with the IF Foundation staff and services that they have provided.  We look forward to working together for a long time”

Nick, CEO/Founder
New Roots – Haiti


“We want to thank God for these first two flocks of broilers and especially for how God helped me to be patient with the birds. I ask that God in His love gives me more patience and dedication so that I can serve in the poultry farm” 

Claude, Poultry Farmer
Broiler Site in Coronel, Haiti




“For me, the breakfast program is a great program. It is a relief for all parents especially when they don’t have anything at home to feed their children before they go to school. We come in early in the morning, before sunrise to make sure that breakfast is ready for the students. The breakfast program helps everyone, parents and children. Many times, as the children arrive at school they come by the kitchen to see if breakfast has been prepared. I thank God for my job, the Breakfast Program and for the iF Foundation”

Eugenie, Cook and Parent
St. Joseph’s Primary School – Dubre, Haiti




“My dreams for Christ Vivant are to see it grow and for God to help our children understand and learn so that they can one day provide a brighter future for their families. The breakfast sandwiches will help the children focus and succeed”
Dorisca, Teacher & Parent
Christ Vivant Primary School – Dubre, Haiti




“I congratulated her for the good job they have done in cleaning the peanut she said:
With this Pandemic the peanut was a good pretext to keep the kids home, so they help me a lot in cleaning the peanut”

Romène, Farmer
Dericourt, Haiti




“This year might be my 5th or 6th season planting peanuts with iF, however this season my wife and I are expecting to make more money because of the threshing service. With the thresher I can harvest and threshing the same day, without the thresher it would take us a week at least with a lot of people” 

Pierre, Poultry Farmer




“The experience at iF Foundation was a great opportunity for me, because I had the opportunity to acquire a lot more of the concept, namely vermicomposting, how to prepare it how to proceed in the laboratory to determine after harvest the various micro-organisms present therein” 

Joseph Rose-Myrlande




“I have been farming for 15 years, this is the first time I will earn enough money to save and take care of my family. This is my first credit for peanut from the foundation. The result is so encouraging that my wife and I decided to double the amount of land for the next season” 

“The credit (land preparation, peanut threshing machine) and free services (mash bags, tarp, aflatoxin test, technical assistant, and transportation) packages offered by the foundation open the door of success for every hard working farmer to produce peanut in quality and quantity” 

Eliphete Mythil & Rose Nelson


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